Small group Pilates

mat classes

  • Classes are coming to a halt at the end of February 2024 as I'm off on maternity leave. Please do still try out a class as there are other teachers and classes I can recommend once you know Pilates is for you.

    I’ll be back. Lots of love,



09:00 Beginners (Blagdon)

10:00 Pregnancy & Post-natal (Blagdon)

19:30 Pilates - All abilities (Hinton Blewett)

Blagdon: Yeofit at Yeo Valley HQ, Rhodyate, Blagdon, Bristol BS40 7YE

There’s easy parking near the gym entrance, just turn to the right as you enter. The cafe is open for a coffee after.

Hinton Blewett Village Hall: Litton Lane, Hinton Blewett, Bristol BS39 5AY

Easy parking at the village hall.

  • All clients must fill in a health form before attending - the link is included in the booking form.

  • Please wear clothes you’re comfortable moving in, preferably without zips.

  • Babies are very welcome at the Pregnancy & Post-natal class.

  • Any issues with booking just send me an email at

  • No question is silly, please get in touch.

About me

My name is Evie and I’ve been teaching Pilates full time for the last 6 years. First training with Body Control Pilates in London and then continuing my training with Peak Pilates. Over the last 6 years I’ve completed over 500 hours of training and I became a fully Comprehensive Peak Pilates teacher in 2020. This means I can teach mat and apparatus and have studied how these complement and link in with each other.

In 2018 I teamed up with Elle to run Bristol Pilates Studio in Bedminster, a fully equipped Pilates studio for mat and apparatus.

I had a baby in Nov 2021, left Bristol Pilates Studio and set up Chew Valley Pilates. Now I’m back training again, I’m seeing how Pilates is helping me regain my strength and balance after pregnancy. In 2023 I gained a qualification in Pilates for Women’s Health which focuses on pregnancy & post-natal, the pelvic floor, and Pilates for menopause.